What SB 281 Means to You? Maryland Gun Bill Info
Here is the response to Rick one of our Alumni who wrote a letter to Delegate Patrick Hogan; District 3A, Frederick County MD.
Dear Rick,
Thank you again for contacting me regarding SB 281 – Firearm Safety Act of
2013 (Governor’s Gun Control Bill). I appreciate you sharing your thoughts
on this legislation and voicing your opposition.
Now that the legislative session has ended, I wanted to take a moment to
update you on this bill. Despite strong opposition from citizens across the
state and many of us in the legislature, this bill passed the House and
Senate and was signed into law by the Governor. We put up a good fight, but
unfortunately did not have enough votes to block it.
I want to thank all of the citizens from my district and across the state
who came to Annapolis to fight against this infringement on our 2nd amendment
Listed below is a summary of everything that is included in the legislation
for your information.
Thank you again for contacting me. We will continue to fight this bad
Delegate Patrick Hogan
District 3A, Frederick County
What SB 281 Means to You
General Provisions
– A person who owns a firearm is required to report the loss of theft of the
firearm within 72 hours of discovering the loss or theft. There is a civil
penalty for the first offense and a criminal penalty for the second offense.
– Under this bill, records relating to handgun purchases and handgun permits
are NOT subject to the public information act.
– People moving into Maryland after October 1, 2013 with the intent of
becoming a resident have 90 days to register their regulated firearms with
MSP. The registration fee is $15.
– Designates 45 rifles as “Assault Long Guns” including the AR-15, SKS, as
well as any of their “copycats” and bans the sale of these firearms
effective October 1st, 2013.
– A “copycat” weapon is defined as a centerfire, semiautomatic rifle with a
detachable magazine that has two or more of the following features:
Folding stock
Grenade or flare launcher
Flash suppressor
– A “copycat” also includes
A semiautomatic centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with a
capacity of more than 10 rounds
A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that can accept more
than 10 rounds
A semiautomatic shotgun that has a folding stock
A shotgun with a revolving cylinder
– This bill is NOT retroactive. If you currently own one of these firearms,
or purchase prior to October 1st, 2013 you can continue to possess your
firearm. In addition, these firearms can continue to be passed on through
inheritance provided the heir is not otherwise disqualified from possessing
a Regulated Firearm.
– If you order a banned firearm prior to October 1, 2013, but do not receive
your firearm before that date, you may still take possession after October
1, 2013.
– Active and retired law enforcement officers, as well as active military
personnel over age 21, are EXEMPT from the provisions and restrictions of
this bill.
Magazine Capacity and Ammunition
– Effective October 1, 2013 magazine size for a all firearms is restricted
to 10 rounds or less. The purchase, transfer, or sale of higher capacity
magazines is prohibited.
– This bill is NOT retroactive. If you currently possess a large capacity
magazine, you may continue to do so.
– Bans a person from possessing any ammunition if they are disqualified from
possessing a regulated firearm (by virtue of a criminal conviction, drug or
alcohol abuse, is a fugitive from justice, or suffers from a mental
– Active and retired law enforcement officers, as well as active military
personnel over age 21, are EXEMPT from the provisions and restrictions of
this bill.
– In order to purchase a handgun after October 1, 2013 you must apply to the
Maryland State Police for a handgun qualification license.
– To receive the license, you must complete a Firearms Orientation Course
consisting of 4 hours of classroom and range training covering state
firearms law, home firearm safety, as well as handgun mechanisms and
operations. The range component includes orientation specific to the firearm
involving safe handling.
– The cost of the initial licensing, fingerprinting, and background check is
paid by the applicant and is estimated to be over $100.
– The course is a one-time only requirement for the initial application.
– You DO NOT have to take the training course if any of the following apply:
You have completed an MSP-approved certified safety course
You have completed the DNR hunter safety course
You are a currently a qualified handgun instructor
You are an honorably discharged member of the Armed Forces or
National Guard
You are an employee of an armored car company who has a handgun
permit issued by MSP
YOU LAWFULLY OWN A REGULATED FIREARM (If you already own a regulated
firearm, you DO NOT have to ever complete the training to apply for the
handgun purchase license.)
– To receive the license, you must submit a full set of digital fingerprints
and undergo a full background check.
– Once issued, the license is good for 10 years and you are NOT required to
take additional training courses or submit fingerprints when you apply to
renew the license. The renewal fee is $20.
– You DO NOT need a license to own a handgun or an assault rifle. You ONLY
need the license if you are going to purchase a handgun after October 1,
– Active and retired military and police are exempt from the license
requirements but must show valid credentials to the dealer to purchase. Also
exempt are manufacturers and persons purchasing an antique, curio, or relic
as defined by federal law.