IDS Featured in Modern DC Business Magazine
After Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords from Arizona was shot by a madman a strange phenomenon took place. The sales for Glock pistols went up. In some states like Arizona, the sales actually doubled. That’s good news for the businesses that provide products and services to the world’s largest market for firearms. Regardless of your personal views on gun ownership, this is big business that cannot be ignored. We recently talked to Evan Carson who owns a small but fast growing business named Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC offering firearm and personal awareness training.

“The ABC’s of Home Defense”
Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC was featured in the May issue of Combat Handgun Magazine. The article was titled “The ABC’s of Home Defense” though the course that the Author Intended was the NRA First Steps Pistol Course it discusses a women’s path to Home Defense, starting with the “NRA First Steps Course”.

“Combat Focus Shooting”
Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC was featured in the June issue of Combat Handgun Magazine. The June issue is a Special Issue Called “The Complete Book of Auto Pistols 2013.” The Article is titled “Combat Focus Shooting”. The article discusses the background of the CFS program and the writer's perspective of the CFS course which is considered the Pinnacle of Defensive Handgun Instruction. The author took this course through IDS back in September in Purcellville, VA.