
EDC Knives

We get a lot of questions about what knives should be considered for carry and personal defense. Please understand the knives we are discussing below are not the knives you should be pulling out to open boxes, envelopes or to give yourself a manicure. These knives are carried for one reason, personal defense. They should…

VA Concealed Carry Permit Rejected ||| Attorney General Submits an Opinion Letter

Over the past 2 – 2 1/2 years or so about 10 of our students have had VA Resident Concealed Carry Applications rejected. (The #10 represents the # that have been rejected while having a permit application filled out properly and having the proper documentation. This does not include the applications that have been returned…

Restoring Responsibility Tour featuring the Bullet Proof Mind Seminar

As many of you know, I am a Combat Focus Shooting Instructor. The Founder of the CFS Program (http://www.combatfocusshooting.com/) and Owner of I.C.E. Training, Rob Pincus, forged an amazing opportunity for the CFS Instructor Cadre recently. We were given an opportunity to set up a table and provide training information to the attendees of the…

National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day Founder’s Event June 15, 2013!

The Founder’s Event has a new host range this year. We will be at the Silver Eagle Group (SEG), 44620 Guilford Drive, Suite 100 , Ashburn, Virginia. SEG is graciously donating range time and support to promote shooting sports and the NTYDTTRD message of Safety, Education and Family. The event will begin at 8:00 am…

What SB 281 Means to You? Maryland Gun Bill Info

Here is the response to Rick one of our Alumni who wrote a letter to Delegate Patrick Hogan; District 3A, Frederick County MD. Dear Rick, Thank you again for contacting me regarding SB 281 – Firearm Safety Act of 2013 (Governor’s Gun Control Bill). I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this legislation and voicing…

What is most efficient for newcomers to unarmed self-defense: Krav or BJJ?

Foreword by Evan Carson “I recently asked Aaron Jannetti from Columbus, OH, whom I met at the 2012 Combat Focus Shooting Instructor Conference during the FitShot Coach Certification Course that we took, to write on a topic that he is passionate about and an issue that I thought a lot of people have questions about….

How to become an NRA Certified Instructor?

Raw Requirements: To qualify as an NRA Instructor: While there are NO specific prerequisites in order to become an NRA Certified Instructor, below is what the NRA requires the Training Counselors to look at when reviewing an application to become an instructor. Candidates must possess and demonstrate a solid background in firearm safety and shooting…